Real Estate investment

Professional Enrichment

An overview of Real Estate Investment and understanding real estate market.
Hours: 4 Hours
Duration: 4 Hours
Level: Beginner
Average Completion: 4 Hours
Start Date: Date Not Yet set. You can however preregister for this class


Real estate investing involves the purchase, management and sale or rental of real estate for profit. Someone who actively or passively invests in real estate is called a real estate entrepreneur or a real estate investor. Some investors actively develop, improve or renovate properties to make more money from them. In this course you will learn the rules of real estate investment. 

Is This the Right Career for You?

Are you already making decent income? Do you have some saving you want to invest in real estate? Then this seminar might be the right one for you. 

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Program Description

The 2% rule is the same as the 1% rule – it just uses a different number. The 2% rule states that the monthly rent for an investment property should be equal to or no less than 2% of the purchase price. Here's an example of the 2% rule for a home with the purchase price of $150,000: $150,000 x 0.02 = $3,000. 

Anyone who insterested in real estate investment as a means of building wealth.


The 2% rule is the same as the 1% rule – it just uses a different number. The 2% rule states that the monthly rent for an investment property should be equal to or no less than 2% of the purchase price. Here's an example of the 2% rule - for a home with the purchase price of $150,000: $150,000 x 0.02 = $3,000.


Real estate investing is complicated, and many beginners give up because it is tough to figure out. That's a good thing because it leaves more investment opportunities for those who are truly willing to put the work in. So, the first step to become a real estate investor is to learn the ins and outs of the business. 


Before you agree to lend money to a real estate investor, you'll have to calculate your potential returns and ensure that the investment will be profitable for you (you'll typically earn between 6-15% returns).